Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Who will you vote for?

This Saturday March 24 is the NSW State Election. I've been spending a lot of time thinking about voting, if/why it matters? and can I make a difference?

Someone once said that in a democratic society nothing ever gets done, it makes sense when you think about it, but it also makes voting seem slightly futile, especially when I look at the choice of candidates in my electorate.

Do I vote for the two who don't actually live in my electorate? For the two who represent the two major parties? Or for the guy who doesn't want the National Art School to be amalgamated with UNSW?

As much as I want to walk in to the polling booth on Saturday and scribble something incoherent on my ballot paper, I can't help but remember the millions of people in the world who don't have the freedom to vote. Not only them but also the women who protested and died only 100 years or so ago so that I, a women of the 21st century could help choose those who run our country.

God tells us in the Bible to pray for those in government over us and I think if the early Christians could have voted the Bible would also tell us to think carefully and pray about who we vote for.

I'll leave you with something I learnt long ago in year 12 from "Looking for Alibrandi" one of the main characters in a debating speech says "it's not about voting to put the best guys in but to keep the worst guys out."

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Ultimate Mongolian Adventure

We're going to Mongolia!

2 years ago Credo started their first overseas short term mission trip as part of mid year evangelism (MYE). Each year in the July holidays Credoites are encouraged to spend part of their holidays sharing Christ’s love with others at uni, in their community and further a-field.

This year I was chosen to lead the team to Mongolia, we are going to join a Christian organisation called VETnet, who are part of Christian Veterinary Mission , they do a lot of veterinary work and a lot of other stuff as well. We will be teaching English in summer schools that are set up in rural areas for the nomad/herder people of Mongolia. Check out this National Geographic page to see pictures and a description of how they live.

We are leaving on Tuesday 26th June (see countdown timer on right for how many days are left).

Pray that we will prepare well, that we would be a blessing to the people of Mongolia, that we would learn more abour God and rely on Him, that God would provide the extra finances that we need.

Stay tuned for mre updates :-)