Friday, January 28, 2011

What I Write About

This week I have been adding labels to my blog posts. I'm not sure why I haven't been doing it until now. In the label cloud on the right you can see all the different topics I have written about over the past few years.

I haven't finished yet, I'm up to 2008... I was surprised that I have only written 151 blog posts in the last 4 years but it is taking a very long time to label them all!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


I do like a good competition, here's one run by my friend Erin, check it out:

mama who mops

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, January 21, 2011

Bye Bye Nappies!

Yesterday we put most of Aston's nappies in a box and now he wears Big Boy Undies!

We had talked about it for a few days, he was quite keen on the idea of getting rid of the nappies but as I placed the box on top of my wardrobe there were a few tears.

Day one wasn't too bad, there were a few accidents, lots of trips to the potty with no results and one decent wee... I think he still needs some practice but that's ok

We attempted toilet training a few weeks ago and at this stage I was quite discouraged. Since then I've read "The No Cry Potty Training Solution" by Elizabeth Pantley. She says learning to go to the toilet is like any other skill, you wouldn't expect a baby to know how to walk perfectly after one day so why expect him to know how to use the potty perfectly after one or even three days?

It makes perfect sense and I don't know why I expected Aston to unlearn almost 2 years of nappy training in a just few days!

So, here we are again, there may be wet undies and wet floors but day by day Aston is learning more and more!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Apologies to those who read the last post while it was formatted wrong. It's fixed now!


1.5 cups of flour and 0.5 cup salt

Mix together

Add 0.5 tablespoon of oil

Some water

Food colouring

Mix and knead to form a soft dough

Play with dough!

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

What do you do with Christmas leftovers?

Make turkey pies!

First, cut/pull/chew most of the turkey meat off the carcass. Put the bones, some carrots, celery, onion, garlic, salt and pepper in a big pot, cover with water, then boil with the lid on for half a day.

Strain the mixture, throw out the chunky bits and put the liquid in the fridge until you are ready to make pie.

To make pie:
Fry chopped onion in a pan, push it to one side and melt some butter, add flour and cook till light brown. Throw in some chopped turkey, ham, grated carrot, corn kernels and anything else you fancy.

Scoop the fat off the top of the cold stock from the fridge chuck it out and add the fatless stock to your mixture. Let it boil until the liquid thickens to a nice pie filling consistency. Take off the stove and cool down.

Place a sheet of pastry in a pie dish (I used frozen puff pastry). Ladle in your cooled pie filling, add a pastry lid and cook until the pastry is nice and brown!

I made 4 pies, we ate one and froze the other 3 for later. Yummy!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone