The Easter long weekend was pretty full this year (even more full than usual)! As well as Credo's anual Easter Time Convention (ETC) I also went to my Grandfather's 90th Birthday party!
Here he is cutting his cake, there were lots of people from my family there, many whose names I still don't remember...
It was slightly surreal to leave ETC which feels like a big family event away from the rest of the world and go to another big family event...
ETC as always was awesome, lots of brain stretching teaching, this year on Christian Ethics, and lots of community building fun!
The staff and grads team won our annual Faculty network soccer cup - yay!
Now I am back in the real world attempting to write an essay for Bible college - the last essay (and the only at university) I wrote was in 1998 on mammograms... I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all...