Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Why I Need to Learn To Drive

On Sunday night, after a busier than usual weekend, we were driving from Stu's mum's house to church.

Stuart decided that he needed to go home and do nothing in order to be ready for work the next day. I wanted to go to church, but that meant I would need to work out a way to get home afterwards...

Walk - 30mins, in the dark, in the cold - no
Get a Lift - briefly think about who could drive me home, most people already drive others home so no room in cars. I don't want to stay late, others I think about usually don't leave church till late.

Decide to go home with Stuart


  1. yes, me too, well no walking in the cold, but if ks is sick one week means i'll have to catch a moto to church- and get a sore back and muddy feet

  2. Anonymous8:30 am


    Get your motorcycle license... buy a scooter (or i'll give you my bike) and you can ride to and from....!!!

