It's 630pm and my two little boys are fast asleep. In the same room!
In the last month or so we decided to take advantage of the various sleep disruptions over the holidays and move Zachariah into Aston's room. I didn't think they would go to sleep so easily though.
They shared a room at Nana's over Christmas and didn't bother each other too much. I think Zach enjoyed the extra room in the portacot, he's been a bit unsettled and harder to put to sleep in his bassinet since we got home. Tonight I wrapped him, put him the portacot in his new room and he went to sleep all by himself.
Aston has been a nightmare lately, he's dropped his daytime sleep but gets so tired and cranky in the afternoon. Today he had an early bath and dinner and was in bed by 545! Hopefully he won't wake up too early in the morning and both boys sleep well through the night.