Saturday, March 10, 2012

This Week

It's been one of those weeks. Stuart, Aston and Zachariah have been sick, all with different symptoms so we are not sure if they all had one weird virus or a few different ones. As a result I 'worked' from home on my 2 work days and while I did get some work done I felt mostly unproductive and guilty.

To add to our already disrupted and unwell week, Aston gave us a fright by waking in the early hours of Wednesday morning with an allergic reaction. Not anaphylactic, praise God, but still quite scary (complicated by the fact that we had no antihistamines in the house). I watched him sleep with his epipen by my side just in case.

Here is what is face looked like once the sun came up and after we'd applied steroid cream. It was worse in the night and his lips were swollen. We think it may have been a reaction to eggplant. As you can see he was still in good spirits.

Today everyone seems to be recovering so hopefully next week will see a return to normality (whatever that is)!




  1. man your son is cute! even when he's sick!!

  2. Anonymous1:07 pm

    Snaps for you on getting through such a harrowing week! Good on ya Mum! I think it sometimes takes Mums a little longer to recover from illness and injury than it takes the kids.
