Sunday, May 28, 2006

Fish Update

My fishies don't seem to be getting any better :-( 3 have died in the last few days and two have not been able to swim at all. The tiniest one seems to be ok although I have know idea why.
I think I have done all that I can do and must now take matters into my own hands.

Do you think pet euthanasia is wrong? Does it matter that my little fishies are most probably starving to death because they can't swim properly to catch food? I suppose the fish we eat go through much worse torture than what I will do to put these poor little fish out of their misery. Imagine being caught in a net and suffocating to death! My fishies will be a lot more comfortable.

In other news, I went to see the Da Vinci Code yesterday, it wasn't as bad as the reviews have made it out to be although Jenelle, who went with me, says that may be because we have both read the book. I still think the historical "facts" are not very factual but it does raise interesting questions about women in the church through the ages and the humanity/divinity of Jesus. Jenelle was telling me about a girl she knows who refuses to read/see it because it will challenge her faith... What's the point of having a faith you can't challenge?


  1. Oh Bec, that's so sad! Especially because they're only lil baby fish!!

    I don't think pet euthanasia is wrong, it might be the most humane thing to do given the current situation.

    Yay, for the little surviving one though. You should call him/her Lucky (like in 101 Dalmations).

    See you tomorrow. xx

  2. Anonymous11:27 pm

    "What's the point of having a faith you can't challenge?"
    i agree!!!
