Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Gym is Flooded!

As some of you would know, for the past year and a half I've been going to the Fernwood Fitness Centre at Broadway at least 3 times a week if not more.

Usually I enjoy being at the gym, especially boxing and belly dancing classes! Although sometimes it can take a real effort to get me there. The last couple of months have been months where I've had a less than optimal gym attendance record - ok so I went twice after NTE and havent been back since...

However last Tuesday I was really excited about getting back into a routine and taking my new shoes to the gym for a break-in workout. I left work early, met up with my brother and left him early to head to the gym. Alas, when I got there the doors were shut and the lights were off! Due to the recent construction work at Broadway there was a servere pumbing malfunction which caused major flooding. Apparently water was pouring in through the airconditioning vents!

Since then the gym has been closed and I've really missed going (sounds strange after choosing not to be there for 4 weeks I know).

To top everything off, this afternoon I got a phone call from Pearly (one of the Personal Trainers and my boxing instructor) to say that she is leaving and so won't be able to train me.

Oh well, I have still managed to give my new shoes a workout - I've walked home from work a few times in lieu of my gym workout.

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