Saturday, July 02, 2011


I'm realising more and more how much information Aston absorbs without us deliberately trying to teach him anything.

Here is a conversation I had with him about work.

A: I am a lady
Me: What are you doing?
A: Going to work
Me: Men go to work too
A: Daddy is a man (in a tone of voice as if to say 'but daddy doesn't go to work')

In another work related conversation, I was trying to get Aston to stand up so I could lift him out of the bath. His response was "no, I'm doing work!" which is what he gets told when he wants one of us to play with him while we're working...

Aston not doing work...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Anonymous1:08 pm

    It's fanasting how God created that absorbtion of life stuff from parents. Like "Cats in the Cradle" we need to be aware that others, particularly children, do what we do, not what we say.

    We have learnt in Rangers to have to explain what "wages" are (Rom 6:23) cos some kids come from families that have been on the dole for 3 or 4 generations...

  2. Oh I love this :) What a fun age! he's like a little sponge. You'll have to be careful what you say from now on!
    Thanks for the helpful comment on my blog! I really hope to find a solution for Elliot's sleeping soon. He didn't go to sleep until 11:15 today, even though his "bedtime" is at 9:00.
