Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Where have all the people gone?

According to google analytics no one has visited my page at all in September :-( There is probably a direct link between that and how often I have updated it I suppose...

I'm very tempted to blame facebook for taking up all my web time but perhaps I have just been slack... Or caught up with things outside of cyberspace. I will try to post more from now on - I promise :-)


  1. i promise to visit more too. but i would be glad for more posts, tell us (cyberspace) about your life...

    Hows is the gym going? my membership has expired :(

  2. i think google is wrong- everytime i come on the net i check to see what you and ang have been up to! i come to the net cafe at least 2 a week! maybe they are just going by comments.

  3. Anonymous6:58 pm

    I'm here Bec Spires!!!

  4. Anonymous9:31 am

    I don't think you've got the Google Analytics script on your page...
